[CCC-FSFTN] Theni-CCC,Distro and Syllabus

Shanthakumar sha at riseup.net
Wed Apr 20 11:43:15 IST 2016


---On Tue Apr 19 at 11:38:37 IST 2016, Yogesh G <yogeshg1987 at 
gmail.com> wrote :
| 1. Use simple plain text. My first reaction when I see your ugly large 
| is that this is spam.

yep ;

| 2. Stop suggesting that we create distros. It's a waste of time and 
| if you are simply going to install it in one or two machines.

agreed with that. But wait.. I have an idea if anyone is interested in
taking this as a learning exercise, there is this [NixOS] where we can
simply write a list of all packages needed in target system and it
will make the deployment in a couple of commands. Also we can share
binary builds in one system with other machines in [nix] way
(considering internet bandwidth in rural areas).

Let's compile a list of packages needed:
| What ?            | Prop                 | FOSS                        
| Paint application | MS Paint             | Tux Paint                   
| Vector Graphics   | MS Visio / coreldraw | Inkscape                    
| Office            | MS Office            | LibreOffice                 
| Plain Text        | Notepad              | Gedit                       
| IDE               | TurboC               | Geany / Eclipse / Emacs / 
VIm |
| Art Work          | Photoshop            | GIMP                        
| Kbd layout        | Tamil99              | -                           
| Media             | MS WM player         | VLC                         
| Games             | -                    | SuperTux                    
| DE                | -                    | Gnome/KDE/XFCE              

| 4. Create an FSFTN repo for syllabi

* [IMO] : A sample outline that a student can cover from Class I to UG :


- Philosophy
   + F/OSS
   + Hacker Culture
   + Ethics

- Learning How to Learn
   + Using a Search engine
   + Using a Mailing list
     * List etiquette
   + screen-casting/Blogging culture
   + Crawling news feeds across web
   + Meetup groups
   + Getting Things Done

- Privacy
   + How to Not to Use Social Media
   + Being Anonymous
     * Why Anonymity matters
   + Tools
     * i2p
     * tor
     * GPG
     * LUKS/veracrypt

- Contribution
   + OSS
   + WikiMedia
   + FSM Activism



- OS
   + Creating boot media
   + Installation
     * Trying different distros
     * Choosing the right one for right task
   + Configuration
     + Network
     + Shell
     + WM
     + Editor

- Tools
   + Editor
     * Emacs
     * VIm
   + Documents
     * LaTeX
   + VCS
     * git
   + Artwork
     * GIMP
     * Inkscape
     * Blender

- Programming
   + Web
     * HTML
     * CSS
     * Transpilers
   + Imperative
     * Shell Scripting
   + Prototype
     * Lua
     * JS
   + Functional
     * LISP
       - elisp
       - Clojure
       - Racket
     * Haskell
   + O_O
     * Ruby
     * Python
   + Misc
     * Perl
     * Elixir
   + Mobile
     * ReactNative

- Re-De-Centralization
   + Torrent
   + Mesh Networks
   + Bitcoin
     * BitMessage


hope someone could categorize / modify above list appropriately and
see if all are distributed across grades :)

[NixOS] http://nixos.org/nix/manual/

[nix] http://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ssec-binary-cache-substituter


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